Children's Ministry Day & Bake Sale
Event Details

Sun, Mar 6th

9am - 1pm

Brookwood Baptist Church
9014 Brookwood Church Way
Shreveport, LA 71106

Church family, join us in celebrating the Children's Ministry on Sunday, March 6; which has been declared Children's Ministry Day at Brookwood! On this special day, we will bring the FUN to fundraising with our annual Children's Ministry's Bake Sale; which helps to offset costs for summer events and activities. We would love and appreciate your support! To make & bake it successful, (and there's no sugarcoating) we knead plenty of "Bakers" and "Buyers!" So, let's do some whisk-taking by baking, or buying, or doing both! It's as easy as pie, just drop off wrapped/packaged goodies to the Children's Ministry before Worship Services on March 6. The Bake Sale will take place after both services conclude, so, stick around because there's nuttin' better than finding yourself (or someone else) something to satisfy a sweet-tooth! - (It'll be a piece of cake!)
Event Details

Sun, Mar 6th

9am - 1pm

Brookwood Baptist Church
9014 Brookwood Church Way
Shreveport, LA 71106