
We depend on volunteers to make a large portion of ministry efforts possible on our campus. By serving as a volunteer, you are going on mission on campus! We have several opportunities to serve that suit an array of gifts and abilities.

guest services

Volunteers on our First Impressions Team are the first people our members and guests see when they walk through the doors of Brookwood each Sunday. The parking team, greeter team, and usher team are just a few of the ways you can help our first impression be a lasting one. It takes hundreds of volunteers each week to make sure our ministries are running effectively. Partner with us as we greet, guide, and serve others for the Kingdom. We have a position for everyone.


Worship Arts

Volunteers use their musical talent and heart for worship to minister to the church body as we Gather in Worship on Sunday mornings and for other events throughout the year.


Some of the most important people in our worship ministry are those you rarely see. The production and tech team manage a variety of important worship elements including sound, lights, visuals, video, and stage design.


Volunteers in our Kids Ministry count it a privilege to introduce our little ones to Jesus. When you serve in the Kids Ministry, you will help to lay the foundation for a lifetime of love and devotion to Him.


Our Student Ministry's goal is to equip our 6th - 12th graders and their families to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Volunteers are crucial to achieving this. Areas of need include leading Small Groups, leading Wednesday Night activities, or hosting students at your home.