One of the core values at Brookwood is that God designed the home as the primary place for discipleship. We seek to inspire, equip, and assist you to become intentional about building a God-honoring home one step at a time. Faith at Home exists to create a culture of intentional families using three components.
building strong families
Simple, practical steps to develop faith skills in your child's life. Your children watch you practice these skills, and therefore, these skills will become their everyday practices as well.
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Equips you through seminars, workshops, and resources. Brookwood teaches similar spiritual life skills to your children that you reinforce at home.
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Recognized at each life stage. These include dedications and baptisms, but could also include at-home family activities or rite-of-passage event for your family.
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faith at home resources
As our cards are rotated out of our Faith at Home Center, they will be placed here. Feel free to download, print, and share!
Kids Appraisal (Faith at Home Assessment)
0-4 years:
In His Image (Activity Card)
Considering Children (Topic Card)
Christmas: Gifts from the Heart (Activity Card)
The Jesus Storybook (Resource Card)
Discipline with Young Children (Topic Card)
Scavenger Hunt (Activity Card)
God Made All of Me (Resource Card)
K-2nd Grade:
Blinded by Sin (Activity Card)
One of a Kind (Activity Card)
Christmas: The Greatest Gift (Activity Card)
Intentional Parenting (Topic Card)
Sticky Faith (Resource Card)
Stronger Together (Activity Card)
7 Simple Ways to Help Kids Pray with Confidence (Topic Card)
3rd-5th Grade:
Family Devotion Books (Resource Card)
Memory Moment (Activity Card)
Introducing Your Child to Christ (Topic Card)
New Years: Memory Box (Activity Card)
Face Your Fears (Activity Card)
Dads & Modesty (Topic Card)
Auction: Going once, Going twice ... (Activity Card)
Student Appraisal (Faith at Home Assessment)
Middle School:
Becoming a Teenager (Resource Card)
Parent Report Card (Activity Card)
Intentional Parenting (Topic Card)
Movie Night Captain America (Activity Card)
Connect with your Teen (Topic Card)
Preparing your Child for Adolescence (Topic Card)
Video Games (Topic Card)
High School:
Helping Teens Thrive in their Faith (Resource Card)
Opening Dialogue with your Teen (Activity Card)
Prodigal Kids (Topic Card)
Addiction (Topic card)
A Difficult Teen (Topic Card)
Iron Sharpens Iron (Activity Card)
Teen Stang 2022 (Topic Card)
Adult Appraisal (Faith at Home Assessment)
Young Adults:
Engaged (Topic Card)
Hope to Marry (Topic Card)
Empty Nest (Topic Card)
Fruitful Empty Nest (Topic Card)
Father and Son Adventure (Activity Card)
Daddy and Daughter Dates (Activity Card)
Mom Knows Best (Activity Card)
Influencing Grandchildren (Topic Card)
Caring for an Aging Loved One (Topic Card)
Grandparent Resource (Resource Card)
Leaving a Legacy: Grandparents (Topic Card)
Mini Dreams (Activity Card)
Did You Know? (Activity Card)
Married to an Unbelieving Spouse (Topic Card)
Building a God-honoring Marriage (Topic Card)
Blending Families (Topic Card)
Praying with your Kids (Activity Card)
Praying with your Spouse (Activity Card)
5 Habits for a Healthy Marriage (Topic Card)
Don't go to Bed Angry (Topic Card)
Addiction Issues (Topic Card)
Finances (Topic Card)
Sexual Identity Confusion (Topic Card)
Christmas Season Ideas (Resource Card)
Unplanned Pregnancy (Topic Card)
Grieving (Topic Card)
How to Respond if your Child Comes Out (Topic Card)